Simple guide to pick a best WordPress Theme

Simple guide to pick a best WordPress Theme

Are you confused about how to choose a WordPress theme among the tens of thousands of possibilities available? With so many options, it can feel like looking for a needle in a haystack.

I can't assist you choose a theme that suits your aesthetic because design is subjective, but I can make sure that whichever theme you end up choosing will set your WordPress website up for success.

See, not all WordPress themes are created equal, and there are specific boxes you want a theme to tick to avoid problems later on.

To assist you in making your decision, I'm going to give eight ideas for selecting a WordPress theme that will produce a strong foundation for your website.

1.always try to choose a Lightweight WordPress Theme:

As a crucial component of your site's foundation, your theme will have a significant impact on its performance and page load times. When I switched from a "normal" WordPress theme to a performance-optimized one, my page load times decreased by 42%. That is enormous! The speed with which your site loads is critical for everything from user experience to SEO to conversion rates, so don't disregard it.
So, how can you know if a theme is light? To begin, we've gathered some of the best lightweight themes below. However, the chances of that are pretty slim, and you’ll probably want the ability to tweak things to make them your own.

2.To create your own theme: (Via the Customizer)

If you're a jummy, you might come upon a theme that appears pixel-perfect right out of the box. However, the chances of that happening are minimal, and you'll undoubtedly want the opportunity to customize things to make them uniquely yours. If this describes you, you'll want a theme that allows you to make such modifications without any specific technical skills. You'll want a theme that takes advantage of the WordPress Customizer. This is a basic WordPress feature that allows you to alter the appearance of your theme using a user-friendly interface and a live preview of your site.
For example, with the Sydney WordPress themetheme, you can customize your site’s colors, looks, layouts, and more using this simple interface:

3. Always Keep in Mind That Themes Are for Design, Plugins Are for Functionality

When looking for a WordPress theme, it can be tempting to go for one that accomplishes everything you need right away. For example, if you want to build an events website, you might opt for a theme with an events calendar built in. I'm going to tell you not to do it, as tempting as it may be.
There is to be a clear distinction between themes and plugins in WordPress.
You can choose a theme for its design and add functionality using plugins. A theme should not restrict your appearance while also adding functionality.
The most important factor is portability. If you choose a theme that controls both design and functionality, you'll be stuck with it for the rest of your life. If you separate the two, though, you may always move between themes as needed.
But that doesn't mean you can't find an out-of-the-box answer. Instead of looking for a theme that does everything, seek for a theme that is designed to work with a plugin that provides the functionality you require.

4. The theme must be responsive: 

Fully responsive, the theme should enable the website to render perfectly on all devices, including tablets and smartphones. Mobile traffic now accounts for over half of all Internet traffic, and this figure is only increasing.

The concept of responsive design is that your website automatically adapts to the user's device. So, whether someone arrives on a laptop or an iPhone, they should have a positive experience.

In 2019, any WordPress theme you come across is going to be responsive, so looking for "Responsive" on the feature list is kind of meaningless.

However, simply because a theme is responsive does not imply that it executes responsive design well.

5. Support Policy:

Despite of the theme you choose, there might come a time that you need support from the developer. So, Consider the Developer’s Support Policy

When that happens, you’ll want to be able to reach out for help, so it pays to check a host’s support policy before you make your decision.

Many developers are glad to assist you with the theme, but that assistance does not always include making the theme compatible with third-party plugins that you may be using.
Beyond whether a developer offers support and how long it lasts, you’ll also want to consider the scope of the support that you get.

6. Fair Pricing Model:

In case you are buying a premium theme, the pricing should be transparent without restricting your rights as a user in any way. Don’t Get Hung up on the Free vs. Premium Theme Debate There’s this weird thing you see on a lot of sites where they tell you that premium WordPress themes are inherently better than free WordPress themes. These statements are meaningless. Just make sure you have a fair pricing.

7. check the last update date:

Another hard data item to consider is the date of the most recent theme change. Because the fundamental WordPress themes is continually evolving, you should select a WordPress theme from a developer who maintains it up to date.
There is no hard and fast rule here, but the last update date should be within the last six months or so.
Again, most theme directories make this information public. It's right near the top of the right sidebar on last updated

8. Examine the Feedback

Reviews, like any other purchase, are a terrific way to tap into the knowledge of the crowds to help you make the best selection. Fortunately, it's very easy to locate reviews for most of the WordPress themes you're considering. If you're looking for a free theme on, ratings can be found on the theme listing page. You can also examine the actual text reviews by clicking the "See All" link:

Choose a WordPress Theme that will help you succeed.

If you follow the advice on this list, you should be able to select a WordPress theme that will position your site for future success. If you still face any difficulty we are here, feel free to contact us for high-quality web/app development and marketing solutions


In conclusion, choosing the right WordPress theme is an essential step in creating a successful website. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to find the perfect fit for your needs. However, by following the simple guide outlined in this blog, you can make an informed decision and select a theme that will help you achieve your website goals.



What features are most important to you when selecting a WordPress theme? Let us know in the comments below!

Simple Guide to Pick the Best WordPress Theme:

  1. Determine Your Needs: Consider the purpose of your website and the features you require. This will help you narrow down your options and find a theme that meets your specific needs.
  2. Check Compatibility: Ensure that the theme you choose is compatible with the latest version of WordPress and any plugins you plan to use.
  3. Consider Customization Options: Look for a theme that offers customization options, such as color schemes and layout, so that you can make your website unique.
  4. Check Reviews: Read reviews from other users to see what they like and dislike about the theme. This can help you make an informed decision and avoid potential issues.
  5. Look for Support: Ensure that the theme you choose offers support and documentation to help you troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

By following these simple steps, you can find the best WordPress theme for your website and create a visually appealing and functional online presence.

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